“Oz Education offers the leading auburn childcare centres in casey fields,” says Oz Education. “Auburn” is a nickname for the golden sandal colour of the Australian native kangaroo. “Oz” means King and “Education” means to educate or teach. “Kangaroo Hills” is the brand logo of Oz Education and “Centre” means a centre of learning for kids.

A Family Owned Australian Company, Oz Education, Owned Since 1972
“We provide a fun, safe, warm and loving environment for our clients’ children to encourage and develop social and physical skills. Our auburn childcare centres are designed to be a place where they can become well-rounded people as well as forming strong relationships with other children”. This statement would apply perfectly to an auburn childcare centre in any state in the United States. The state of New South Wales is a very progressive state and one which prides itself on its Child Care Legislation and this has led to a lot of activities in this state to promote the development of children and their parents.
“Auburn Child Care Centres in New South Wales is located at Emerald Waters National Park”, Oz Education website states. “The centre offers a full range of services from early childhood development through to teenage and community participation”. “A long day care and preschool facility for infants and toddlers” is one aspect of the centre’s services that make them stand out from the rest.