right here

With warm-hearted guidance and endearing moral lesson, “Mama s Right Here” encourages young children to value love and to care for others as if it were a part of their daily routine. The motivating message encourages young children to take pride in themselves and be kinder to others. With gentle rhyme and comforting illustrations, Mama s Right Here delivers the important message: a mother’s love is always within them, even in what they choose to do, and in how they look.

How To Learn Dubito’s “Mama S Right Here” Album Cover

In the first version of the book, “Mama s Right Here,” a boy named Dub has a fight with two bullies over the loss of his friend’s pet monkey. As the fight ensues, the bullies hide behind the banana plant, using it as cover to attack the helpless Dub. When the unjustly departed Napa Momo Blanco arrives to collect her deceased monkey, Dub pleads with the humane police officer to come to the aid of the helpless monkey, offering to feed the animal if offered the chance to live. As the humane officer inspects the dead monkey, she notes that the banana plant’s leaves contain potent poisons that will cause death to anyone who comes in contact with it, but Dub offers to feed the monkey anyway, assuring the policewoman that he will pay for the damages to the Napa Valley.

The same scene is recreated in the second version of the song, “Mama s Right Here,” where the same murder mystery playfully pits two loving parents against each other: When the unjustly departed Napa Momo Blanco arrives to collect the lifeless remains of her son, Dub kills her. The subsequent investigation uncovering of the murder implicates Dub as the killer, and the song plays out similar to the first verse of the original: “Now, my watchful eyes/ Have seen the murder; now it’s time to act…” The murder mystery then plays out on the streets and is captured by the press who then run the music video and broadcast to the entire world. The video ultimately receives much airplay on various late night television programs including Jay Leno and David Letterman, who perform the songs on their late night comedy specials.

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